Pionites melanocephalus

Pionites melanocephalus

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Silva, T., Caiques, , vol. 2024: Psittaculture, 2016. Pedro Garcia has been my trusted field guide for a very long time. He waits for me at the Eduardo Gomes International Airport in the Amazonian city of Manaus in Brazil. We drop my luggage off and then proceed into the jungle. As a tropical fish fanatic, we would sometimes take a canoe into the forest, where I would look for Discus Symphysodon sp. at night, when they come to the surface and can be briefly blinded by a torch to facilitate collection; at other times it was parrots that I wanted to see and study. Pedro has an intimate knowledge of the forest. Weiterlesen

Die Freiheit des Einen hat ihre Grenze an der Freiheit des existierenden Anderen. {Uralter ethischer Grundsatz in vielen Formulierungen}

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