Biblio |
Das Leben im Wasser und das Aquarium |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
The Production of Communication Signals at the Air–Water and Water–Substrate Boundaries |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Does 'Relationship Intelligence' Make Big Brains in Birds? |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Checklist of CITES Species: a reference to the appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Checklist of CITES Species: a reference to the appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Habitual tool use innovated by free-living New Zealand kea |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Reproductive Success of Hand-Reared vs. Parent-Reared Cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Postfledging dispersal of red‐fronted parakeets ( Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae ) from a fenced mainland sanctuary |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Zu Aktivität und Verhalten von drei Taxa der Zwerghamster der Gattung Phodopus Miller, 1910 |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Molecular Data from the Cytochrome b for the Phylogeny of Channidae (Channa sp.) in Malysia |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Schriften der Naturforschenden gesellschaft in Danzig. |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Experimental evidence of dispersal of invasive cyprinid eggs inside migratory waterfowl |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Temperature Tolerance of Red-Rim Melania Melanoides tuberculatus, an Exotic Aquatic Snail Established in the United States |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Checklist of birds listed in the CITES appendices |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Australische Sittiche; Haltung, Zucht, Artenschutz |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Checklist of CITES Species: a reference to the appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Morphological differentiation among isolated populationsof dwarf snakehead fish, Channa gachua (Hamilton, 1822)using truss network analysis |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Die Reptilien, Amphibien, Fische und wirbellosen Thiere |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Nest sites of sympatric orange-fronted (Cyanoramphus malherbi) and yellow-crowned parakeets (C. auriceps) |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Social facilitation of wound healing |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Checklist of CITES Species |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Significance of population genetics for managing small natural and reintroduced populations in New Zealand |
Erich Willems |
Tierbestand |
Mexikanische Flohkrebs(id4125) |
Erich Willems |
Biblio |
Checklist of CITES Species: a reference to the appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora |
Erich Willems |