Cyanoramphus unicolor

Cyanoramphus unicolor

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Antipodes Island parakeet

Greene, T. C., and nzbirdsonline, "Antipodes Island parakeet", New Zealand Birds Online, vol. 2024: New Zealand Birds Online, 2022, 2013.


Trust Terra Nature, "ANTIPODES ISLAND PARAKEET", New Zealand ecology Parrots and parakeets, vol. 2024: Terra Nature, 2009.

A history of wildlife translocations in the Marlborough Sounds

Gaze, P. D., and B. Cash, "A history of wildlife translocations in the Marlborough Sounds", Occasional publication (New Zealand. Department of Conservation. Nelson/Marlborough Conservancy) , vol. 72: Nelson, N.Z. : Dept. of Conservation, 09/2008.

Die zur Wahrheit ziehen, ziehen allein. {nach Christian Morgenstern}

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