MOc: Collection place southwest of Shanghai within Songjiang-District

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Collection place: A channal southwest of Shanghai in the Songjiang-District

Zhou Hang aus Shenzhen, China (per Email) und

Search criteria

Any water with flooding plants as long as not to havy polluted.

M.ocellatus of the collection place

Type of water at collection place

Channal: ca. 6m width, lot of flooding plants.
Water grey-brown

Other fishes of the location

Cyprinus carassius, Pseudorasbora parva, Rhodeus ocellatus, Hypseleotris swinhonis, Monopterus albus,

Fishes together with M.ocellatus at other locations

Rhodeus sinensis, Acheilognathus spp, Karpfen, Oryzias sinensis,

Coments (Zhou Hang per Email)

A common widely distributed species which can be easyly found in nearly every water.
In the southern Zhejiang-Profince at the Wenling city is a region where the distribution line between Macropodus opercularis and Macropodus ocellatus is clearly separating both species:
If one travels slightly north, only M.ocellatus will be collectable,
do you travel slightly south, only M.opercularis will be found in the collecting nets!

In other regions this distribution line is not of this exact way. There both have overlaping distributions.

Wenn es einen Gott gibt, muß der Atheismus ihm wie eine geringere Beleidigung vorkommen als die Religion selbst. {Huot de Goncourt}