Based on reexamination of original descriptions, type materials, comparative material, and a wide literature the present data on nomenclature and taxonomy of several taxa of freshwater fishes important because of a big deal of uncertainty connected with their identification and/or status are critically analysed. Discussed are Macropodus ocellatus, Acanthorhodeus, A. asmussii, A. macropterus, Rhodeus amurensis, Cyprinus rubrofuscus, Parabotia mantchurica, Lefua, L. costata, L. pleskei, Pelteobagrus, P. mica, P. argentivittatus, Pseudobagrus, P. ussuriensis, P. herzensteini.
Contribution to taxonomy and nomenclature of freshwater fishes of the Amur drainage area and the Far East (Pisces, Osteichthyes) (PDF Download Available).