Disentangling historical relationships within Poeciliidae (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes) using ultraconserved elements

TitelDisentangling historical relationships within Poeciliidae (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes) using ultraconserved elements
MedientypJournal Article
Jahr der Veröffentlichung2024
AutorenRodríguez-Machado, S., D. J. Elías, C. D. McMahan, A. Gruszkiewicz-Tolli, K. R. Piller, and P. Chakrabarty
ISB Nummer1055-7903
SchlüsselwörterGenealogical discordance, Livebearers, Neotropics, Reticulate evolution, Systematics

Poeciliids (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae), commonly known as livebearers, are popular fishes in the aquarium trade (e.g., guppies, mollies, swordtails) that are widely distributed in the Americas, with 274 valid species in 27 genera. This group has undergone various taxonomic changes recently, spurred by investigations using traditional genetic markers. Here we used over 1,000 ultraconserved loci to infer the relationships within Poeciliidae in the first attempt at understanding their diversification based on genome-scale data. We explore gene tree discordance and investigate potential incongruence between concatenation and coalescent inference methods. Our aim is to examine the influence of incomplete lineage sorting and reticulate evolution on the poeciliids’ evolutionary history and how these factors contribute to the observed gene tree discordace. Our concatenated and coalescent phylogenomic inferences recovered four major clades within Poeciliidae. Most supra-generic level relationships we inferred were congruent with previous molecular studies, but we found some disagreements; the Middle American taxa Phallichthys and Poecilia (Mollienesia) were recovered as non-monophyletic, and unlike other recent molecular studies, we recovered Brachyrhaphis as monophyletic. Our study is the first to provide signatures of reticulate evolution in Poeciliidae at the family level; however, continued finer-scale investigations are needed to understand the complex evolutionary history of the family along with a much-needed taxonomic re-evaluation.


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