The occurrence and distribution of Heterandria formosa (Teleostei, Poeciliidae) in Lowndes County, Georgia

TitelThe occurrence and distribution of Heterandria formosa (Teleostei, Poeciliidae) in Lowndes County, Georgia
MedientypJournal Article
Jahr der Veröffentlichung2006
AutorenChaney, J. C., and D. L. Bechler
Seitennummerierung67 - 75
ISB Nummer0147-9369
Zusammenfassung Heretofore in the literature, Heterandria formosa had not been reported from Lowndes County, Georgia. Based on a survey of Lowndes County; we discovered eight localities from the southeastern portion of the county that collectively produced 30 specimens of H. formosa. The southeastern portion of the county is primarily flatwoods with numerous wetlands and low gradient streams compared to the remainder of the county, which is typified by a more upland habitat with greater relief and greater stream gradients. It is postulated that the greater stream gradients inhibited the migration of H. formosa into the southwestern and northern portions of the county.

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