Smithsonian miscellaneous collections.

TitelSmithsonian miscellaneous collections.
Jahr der Veröffentlichung1968
AutorenSmithsonian Institution
Volumev.150:pt.2 (1968)
VerlagWashington :Smithsonian Institution,
Banded Parakeet; Perico Fajeado
Figure 10
Psittacula lineola Cassin, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, vol. 6, 1853, p. 372.
(Puente Nacional, Veracruz, Mexico.)
A small green parakeet, with dark bars on back and sides, and black
on the bend of the wing.
Description.—Length 150-165 mm. Adult (sexes alike), green
above, with the forehead somewhat yellowish green ; feathers on back
of crown, hindneck, back, rump, and upper tail coverts tipped lightly
with dull black to produce transverse bars ; lesser wing coverts black
middle and greater coverts with tips spotted boldly with black ; outermost primary black, edged narrowly with buff; rest of primaries and
primary coverts black, edged externally with green ; upper surface of
tail tipped with black ; under surface, including cheeks, yellowish green,
with the sides barred somewhat indistinctly with black; flanks more
heavily marked with black, and a few small black tips on under tail
coverts; under wing coverts green, spotted, and barred indistinctly
with black ; under surface of wing and tail bluish green.
Labels on skins from Costa Rica list the iris as dark brown ; bill
dull flesh color to ivory, in some with the mandible somewhat darker
tarsus flesh color.
Measurements.—Males (7 from Honduras, Costa Rica, and Chiriqui), wing 100.5-109.8 (104.3), tail 53.8-62.0 (58.5), culmen from
cere 11.6-13.5 (12.2), tarsus 11.5-13.8 (12.4) mm.
Females (10 from Honduras, Costa Rica, and Chiriqui), wing 97.0-
107.6 (102.4), tail 52.0-59.6 ( 55.8 ), culmen from cere 11.8-12.6
(11.9), tarsus 11.5-13.4 (12.4) mm.
Resident. Found in the Subtropical Zone on the Volcan de Chiriqui,
on both Pacific and Caribbean slopes.
This is a forest species, local in occurrence, recorded to the present
only in small numbers. It was first reported in Panama from specimens forwarded by Arce to Salvin, supposedly taken in the vicinity
of Boquete. The species was found next by W. W. Brown, Jr., who
sent 2 males taken June 12, 1901, at 600 meters elevation on the Caribbean slope of the volcano, to Outram Bangs (Proc. New England Zool.
Club, vol. 3, 1902, p. 25). Monniche collected a pair at Lerida December 6 and 22, 1939, at 1,675 meters. Dr. Frank Hartman sent me a
female collected February 14, 1949, on Cerro Copete, at 2,100 meters
above Lerida.
On February 6, 1960, at 1,500 meters on the Silla de Cerro Pando,
west of El Volcan, Chiriqui, I found a small group feeding quietly in
the tree crown in the forest, where they were detected with difficulty
as they remained hidden among the green leaves. Attention was
drawn to them by their notes, which in part resemble the chatter of
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the common orange-chinned parakeet, but in part were varied and more
musical. Three were collected. Several others were seen at this spot
2 days later, and then they disappeared. In preparing my specimens
I found the feathers to be very loosely attached, so that it was necessary to use care not to damage them.
Several specimens in collections labeled "Veragua" have led to some
confusion with Veraguas which is outside the known range. One in
the American Museum of Natural History, collected by Enrique Arce,
was received from Salvin. Four others obtained from Batty bear a
cardboard slip with Batty's name, the dates March 5 and 6, 1901, and
the notation "Chitra, Colombia, D. Arce" These apparently are part
of a lot of specimens obtained from Arce on which Batty placed his
own labels. I do not accept the locality as valid. Two in the British
Museum (Natural History) collections marked "Veragua" were recorded by Salvin and Godman (Biol. Centr. Amer., Aves, vol. 2, 1897,
p. 580) as "Volcan de Chiriqui (Arce)." The measurements of an egg
in the Nehrkorn collection, given as 19.5x19.2 mm. by Schonwetter
(Handb. Ool., pt. 9, 1964, p. 519), must be wrong, as the long diameter
is too small for a bird of this size.
The typical race ranges from southern Mexico irregularly through
the mountains of Central America to the Volcan de Chiriqui. Other
subspecies are found in northwestern South America.


Niemand köpft leichter als jene, die keine Köpfe haben. {Friedrich Dürrenmatt}