Stable individual differences on developmental tasks in young yellow-crowned parakeets, Cyanoramphus auriceps.

TitelStable individual differences on developmental tasks in young yellow-crowned parakeets, Cyanoramphus auriceps.
MedientypJournal Article
Jahr der Veröffentlichung2004
AutorenFunk, M. S., and R. L. Matteson
JournalLearning & Behavior

We report on stable individual differences in young yellow-crowned parakeets across 38 tasks of cognitive development on three scales involving object permanence, means-end relations, and spatial relations. Stable performance ranks on blocks of tasks emerged after 13 weeks in two groups of sibling parakeets, one hand-reared and the other parent-reared. Examination of subject characteristics, such as hatch order, sex, general activity level, avoidances, latencies, social status, and errors, showed no significant correlations with these performance ranks. Characteristic individual approaches to unstructured play activities (from a fourth scale) were consistent with individual behavioral differences seen on the structured cognitive tasks


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