Development of object permanence in the New Zealand parakeet (Cyanoramphus auriceps)

TitelDevelopment of object permanence in the New Zealand parakeet (Cyanoramphus auriceps)
MedientypJournal Article
Jahr der Veröffentlichung1996
AutorenFunk, M. S.
JournalAnimal Learning & Behavior

"Eleven young kakarikis (Cyanoramphus auriceps) were tested on 15 object-permanence tasks in a standardized scale that has been used to assess the development of human infants, some nonhuman primates, and other mammals. The birds successfully completed all tasks in this scale, and many aspects of their testing were similar to human results, such as evidencing the A-not-B error. However, the birds differed slightly but significantly from human subjects in that some of the "invisible displacements" of the later tasks were performed before the earlier visible displacement tasks. These results may relate to common ecological activities of this species. Six of the birds were parent-raised; 5 were hand-raised. The hand-raised birds achieved criteria more qUickly than did the parent-raised birds possibly because the former were more accustomed to the investigator and less distractible in the test situation."


Wo Menschen angebetet werden, ist es gut, sich zu entfernen. {Günther Weisenborn}